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    Fair Rewards for Contributions to the Community

    Suggested by Arianne Bascaro New  0 Comments

    At Modak, transparency and fairness are core values. We prioritize user privacy and do not record or store sensitive information like phone numbers, email addresses, facial features, or voices on the blockchain. On the blockchain, only essential data related to reward distribution is recorded such as: a) time spent on reward-generating activities (e.g., timestamp and duration of video chat, check-in events), b) number of login attempts and firewood campaign participation. This information is necessary to ensure accurate and fair distribution of rewards. We believe in a transparent system while safeguarding your personal information.

    Modak is the collaborative effort of a small team of talented engineers and talented individuals. With deep expertise in WebRTC and VoIP technology, we saw the potential for Web3 to revolutionize communication and address the shortcomings of existing social/communication platforms. Driven by a shared passion for innovation and a desire to make communication more accessible, we put our collective knowledge and creativity into building Modak.

    To sustain a vibrant community, Modak utilizes blockchain to guarantee fair rewards for participation and contributions. However, this incentive structure relies on merit, not perpetual monitoring. The transparency of our points system allows you to understand exactly how rewards are calculated — quantity but also quality of engagement. You can openly review our algorithms. So in short, at Modak, you get to contribute great content and actively collaborate with other users for higher rewards. But no need to worry about constantly being tracked on our platform.

    We encourage you to freely explore and engage on Modak’s secure platform, knowing your personal information stays private. Our commitment to decentralization provides a safe communication environment for all members of our community. We want you to feel at home. So if there’s any question you have about our security protocol, drop us a message below and we’ll clear up your concerns.

    For details, please see the below links:

    => Website Address: https://modak.town/
    => Step-by-step YouTube Instructions: https://youtu.be/eM28E3oasJ0?feature=shared
    => Medium Post: https://medium.com/@modaktown/modak-wood-referral-36d2a086cd9f